My Big Fat Gay Blog

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I am back . . . for now.

Well, I know that I haven't posted on here in quite a while. For some unknown reason, I suddenly have the urge to write. Alot of things have changed since I last posted, but I don't want to dwell too far on the past. After much contemplation, I have decided that my life is too amuzing to keep to myself. Although hectic and not always fun to live, the daily messes I somehow stumble into need to be shared with the masses. I will consider this my new found diary - although the names of MOST will be changed to protect the innocent.

With that said, work today kinda sucked. Lately I have been having some issues with my direct supervisor. For all intents and purposes, we will call her CM (one day I will explain where that comes from). CM recently had a good friend of her's transfered from another location to our location and it fucking sucks! This friend, who I will name Fatty Dimples, really thinks that he is just so much better than the rest of the world. His shit just doesn't stink. To makes things worse, CM treats him like that. It drives me up the wall. The salt on the wound is that I have to work closely with both of them. I dread, absolutely dread, the days that they are there together. When I can deal with them individually, they are tolerable. Together they are unbearable. I hate dealing with them.

I am going to New Jersey!!! Work is sending me there to help at a new location there. I am excited. New people, new place, and a new outlook on things. I have high hopes for the next few days!!!

I also met one interesting person today! I say interesting because this guy was so fine . . . I mean HOT . . . and at one point was naked in my living room (he asked me to take pics of him), but nothing ever happens. Maybe I am a prude, maybe I am just not meant to be with anyone intimately. I have had some really, really shitty experiences with men that always seem to leave me down. I do not know why the great big matchmaker in the sky sets me up for failure so often, but I must admit I am very skeptical and very scorned by love. I can honestly say that I worried I will never intimately know someone and share my life with them. Perhaps I am being silly, but I do not think I am. I have given this subject alot of thought, and I always draw back to the same conclusion.

Well, it is late and I haven't finished packing for my trip. I will let everyone know what happens when I am in New Jersey!!!



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